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Cancer (Female)

Original price was: ₹1,499.00.Current price is: ₹1,051.00.

Leo (Female)

Original price was: ₹1,499.00.Current price is: ₹1,051.00.
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Leo (Male)

Original price was: ₹1,499.00.Current price is: ₹1,051.00.

Leo is a fire sign that is ruled by the Sun. As a Leo, you have a strong personality and are known for your warmth, generosity, and creativity.



Charismatic and Charmer: Leos possess a natural charisma that draws people towards them. They have a magnetic presence and can effortlessly captivate others with their charm. Confident and Inspiring: Leos have a strong sense of self-confidence that radiates from within. Their unwavering belief in themselves inspires others to believe in their own capabilities. Creative and Expressive: Leos are innately creative and have a flair for self-expression. They excel in various artistic endeavors and possess a unique ability to bring their ideas to life. Protective and Loyal: Leos are fiercely protective of their loved ones. They are loyal and dependable friends and partners, always standing up for those they care about. Generous and Warm-hearted: Leos have a generous spirit and a kind heart. They are always willing to lend a helping hand and make others feel valued and appreciated.


Stubbornness: Leos can be stubborn and resistant to change. They have a strong will and may find it challenging to let go of their own opinions or embrace different perspectives. Pride and Sensitivity to Criticism: Leos take great pride in themselves, which can sometimes manifest as sensitivity to criticism. They may struggle to accept feedback or admit when they are wrong. Self-centeredness: Leos have a natural focus on themselves and their own needs and desires. They may occasionally prioritize themselves over others and overlook the feelings or perspectives of those around them. Attention-seeking: Leos have a desire for attention and recognition. They may seek validation from others and engage in behaviors to ensure they remain at the center of attention. Impulsiveness: Leos can be impulsive and make decisions without fully considering the potential consequences. They may act on their immediate desires or impulses without thorough deliberation.

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